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  1. Olá pessoal! Como não encontrava aqui este servidor decidi criar este post para o relativo Servidor "Metin 4 Major" [*]Homepage: [*]Board: [*]Página FB: [*]Download: Video de Teste: Espero que tenha sido Util! Cumpriemntos! WeeDzSkiLL. --> Canal JNT <-- PROLOGUE When the calm reigned uncontested and in the Continent the serenity ruled the spirits of the living being, three divinities stood over the flow of time: Bahar-Taraji, godness of creation, Baljit-Elvedi, god of conservation and Beran-Setaou, god of destruction. The wish of hate of the Beran-Setaou changed harmony in destruction, his anger upset the three Kingdoms, drived by the wish of power he killed witouht any compassion his sister Bahar-Taraji: his bad influence spread the hole region, emitting the evil power that was captured in the Metin rocks, full of the evil flow of the god. Fight the corruption's forces, free the land of the dark power! INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVER After an huge commitment, Metin4Major was born with the aim the OldStyle with the innovation of implementations that can make the experience of our server richer, with the accuracy of not to upset it with inappropriated implementations. These ideas were possible thanks to the huge knowledge of the game mechanics of the GamePlay of our Staff. OPENING ON SATURDAY AT 18:00 If you want to check out the "Guide to implementation", click on the relative pics in the presentation. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Client Multilingua: We wante to make our server international, so we decided to work on a complete multilanguage client, so that strangers player can use the game's interfaces and descriptions, completely translated in their language. By now, our translation are in English and Italian, but we hope we can enrich our list soon! Maximum Level: By now, the maximum level is 110, because we wanted a Semi-oldstyle structure. Infact we wanted to make your pg grow up with rich and engaging stages, without a leakage of levels. Status: As the maximum level, we wanted to keep the maximum status to 90 points, because we didn't want any imbalanca, especially in PvP, to preserve the basic characteristics of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rate EXP -> Accurately setted in the Database, the Rate EXP allows a long e fluid GamePlay, without being stressful, but being competitive. The increasing difficulty of the game will offer a comparison without any monotony. Rate DROP -> It's modified to facilitate the growing of the levels. In the exp's map there will be exclusives drop, with a particulr attention to Boss and Metin, that should have a better drop of the normal mobs in the exp's maps. All the useless drops are DELETED. Rate YANG ->Relationed to the economy of the game that we want to create. The yang-drop of the Boss has been modified, accurately studied the yang-drop of the first levels. We also deleted the hug difference that there was in Spider Dungeoun 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus:Essential point for the structure of the GamePlay, the list of the bonus has been adjusted to the requests of a private server, but without upsetting its basic planning: the maximum value of the bonus hasn't been changed and we gave a major accessibility to the PvM's variables INTERFACE'S MODIFY/TEXTURE'S REEXAMINATION The graphic's interface has been partially reexaminated with the addition of rapid buttons for an easier selection. We also added some interactive windows that make some complicated actions easier. We added two new inventory's slot, perfectly working. Fast equipment change and fast bonus switcher: Some other graphics changes has interested the texture of the villages, thas has been completely revisited giving them innovation. We changed buildings and thei dispositione, we added new elements, we modified the tiles of the square..we did everrything without making the game lag! OTHER IMPLEMENTATIONS AND GAMEPLAY'S OVERVIEW As we told before, we want to introduce the overview of the implementations that we can offer to our players. Our additions don't upset the GamePlay, they simpli make it richer, with the aim of making the game-experience not different, but only more pleasant. New Missions: We added the quests of Admiral Angmur and Lee Chung, after Uriel's quests, according to the implementation of the new map of the Cliff of the Dark Dragon. The story will be engaging and the rewards will be appropriated. The only things you have to care about are the dangers that will make your mission harder. Revisit of the Biologist: We reexamined also this quests, making them easier: there is no possibility to fail and the time between the tdeliveries has been shortened. The list of the mission and the rewards are the original ones. Apprentice Chest System: It's very important to follow the growing up of your pg. It consists in some chests that contain some item that will facilitate your game experience. Chests won't be tradeable, you will receive one chest every 10 levels and the item you will find are related to the level of the chest. Skill level S|Supreme (Over P): This is our most important implementation. We couldn't simply increase the values of the skills without any analisys because we would have upset the whole PvP experience. We also have to tell that it's not easy to reach the S level of the skills, the method is centred on the browls. Check out the guide for more details. Crafting System: We introduces also a double crafting system because of the new set/weapons/armours. It will be possible to combine items to craft better equipments. There will be two principal alternatives: 1) Possibility to craft with easy available items, receiving an item without bonus and stones and with a process that can fail. 2) Possibility to craft a final item, receiving an improved item that conserve bonus and stones of the previous item. Karma: We wanted to modify the Karma's level so that the choice of bing evil or good will be very important. We added two other grades in the Karma system and we decided to give a bonus to every grade: Belt System: This addition can be encourageous for the growing up of th levels of your pg. We decided to keep the standard bonus of the belts with some little additions. New Level of Leadership Ability|Extra Support Skills: We dediced do improve the leadership's skills, directly linkd to the implementation of the Supreme level of Skill. It will be possible to use two extra skills that can be improved with the reading of the books, that were added as alternative drop. Dragon Stone Alchemy: The Dragon Stone Alchemy System allows to use a complex and complete system of refinement for precious gems that will give you unique bonus to your pg. The interface of this Alchemy system will be reachable through the rapid buttons and the refinement will be operable at the "Alchemist" NPC. Energy System: The Energy System will be present. It can be used with shrewdness to build a good strategy of attack or defense. The method for the production of the Energy Fragment will be the same, as the use of the Crystals and their duration limit. GUILDS MODIFICATIONS Guilds will have a different function on Metin4Major, their importace has been revisited, applying some modifications to their basic structure. They will be fundamental to reache the maximum upgrade of the Skills (Level S), for this reason we decided to increase the maximum level to 40, then you will unlock some functions. New war type "The Siege": This is a new type of war created by Metin4Major's Staff. This fight really reminds the Arena, but there are some changes and it will take place in a different map. The Guild Leader will be very important in the fight: its kill, accompanied with a graphic effect, will give a bonus of 10 points. The scrore has been increased to 200 points. MAPS As we told before, there will be all the map for pg over 90 that are present in the officials server with their mobs and Boss. The "Cliff of the Dark Dragon" is fundamental for the missions of Admirl Angmur e for the various systems of crafting. Here's a model of the map with their guides: Roccia del Drago Oscuro, Baia Nefrite, Monti Tonanti e Falesia di Gautama. Spider Dungeon III: Fight the traps of the third plan of the Spider Dungeon, fight the creatures of this horrible level and kill the Baroness. DUNGEON The Dungeon list has been enriched to make the game-experience engaging and to give more chioces of cooperation between our players. We are sure that the addition of Snow Dungeon and Blazing Purgatory, in addition to Demon Tower and to Devil's Catacomb, will give a rich possibility of comparison to the hole users of Metin4Major Demon Tower: Demon Tower has not been revisited and the structure with 9 floors and the Death Reaper has not been changed. Devil's Catacomb: Devil's Catacomb, as Demon Tower, mantain their original structure of levels. You will be able to drop Azrael's pet that will give you good bonus for the following Dungeon. Blazing Purgatory: As a burning prison, Blazing Purgatory has seven different areas. Each of these areas wants some secial action to unlock the following one. You have one hour to reach the last are and kill the Guard of Blazing Purgatory. It's quite difficult and a strong group is fundamental to reache the final area. The Boss Razador is waiting for you with rich rewards, but it won't be easy to kill him! Snow Dungeon: It will be quite difficult to complete the Blazing Purgatory Dungeon, but nothing overtake the difficulty of the ten floors of ice of the Snow Dungeon. It's requested an enormous experience and an admirable fighting strength to take by force this glacial fortress. It's useless trying to complete this Dungeon without a strong group, it would be only a suicide. COMPUTERIZED EVENT AND SYSTEM We knew that lots of experience lacked of innovation and enrichments in the basic structure of the GamePlay. Linked to this, we introduces computrized systems that control events and the exta mechanichs for a major entertainment, without losing order and precision. Monarch System: It's a system of election, completely computerized, that expect some candidacies that will be voted to elect the King of your own Kingdom. It's possible to have only a King for every Kingdom and it has power for one month. After the election, he'll have some prerogatives that will have an huge importance in the Events that will involev the hole Nation. He'll also have a specific tag on his head. PvP Computerized Arena: UA real jewel of innovation, an Arena completely computerized for PvP tournaments. It expects a cost for your registration ti be added to the list of the competitors. Then the players will be divided in differents league (depending on levels) and divived in couples with a random enemy in a direct elimination tournament. You won't be allowed to use Potions and Auto-Potions, to create groups or use wedding items and to call the horse. This violations will be blocked by our system. Siege's War: A new type of attack/defense event, it will ensure engaging fights between the three kingdoms. The three Nations will be randomly extractedfor the siege: one Nation will have to defend from the attacks of the other two Nations. The aim of the attackers will be to destroy the Torches of the defending Nation and the aim of the defenders will be, obviously, to defend thei torches. Dragon-Time: This event is divided in two sections of levels (low and high) that will have two different routes. The main aim is to kill the Red Dragon after having free him from its Seal. It wouldn't be allowed to see the progress of the other Nationa within having complete your own Dungeon. Evil Tree's invasion: The awakening of the Evil Tree upset the quiet of the hole Continent, you have to stop him. You will meet lots of threatening creatures that will make your mission harder, but if you cooperate with other players, you can have some chances to kill the Evil Tree. There will be a limit of time to kill him. Hexagonal Box/Moonlight Box: There will be a periodic time for the drop of this boxes that contain different costumes. The level of the pg won't influence the drop. The costumes will hava casual bonus and won't be permanent. Kingdom's war: The biggest fight between the three Kingdoms. The bravest warriors will fight for the supremacy, the fight will be didived in two parts: the first is everyone vs everyone, every player can diue a maximum of 25 times and he'll give a points' bonus to the team that will kill him (it depends on his levels); the second part will be a fight between the two remaining Kingdoms, with the same method of the first part. If you want to reach the battlefield, you'll only have to open the seal for the Holy Land. HORSE/MOUNT/PET SYSTEM We obviously worked on the mounts too, modifying a little bit the standard route of the basic horse. We added new seals, a possibility of a double evolution of the mounts and taking care of an equilibrated pet System. The Horse: The maximum level of the horse hase been increased to 30, increasing the improvements of Status that it involves and changin its graphic sight. The Armoured Horse will look more majestic than the Expert Horse Mount: We added a new complex system of seals for the Mounts to give an alternative to the original Horse. The new mounts, that can evolve, are including the possibility to receive bonus that you will be able to choose with the Stable Boy. Every Mount can evolve with two items (Papyrus of Evolution and Papyrus of Mutation) that can be dropped in the game. Pet: We have a lot of faithful and little pets that will follow you in your game-travel. They will give you specific bonus and every Pet has differente characteristics, but you cannot choose them. You can evoke one Pet per time and the bonus cannot be accumulated. GENERAL ITEMSHOP OVERVIEW The Itemshop was born as a method of voluntary donation to support our work and to give us the possibility to guarantee you a better experience. THE HOLE ITEMSHOP CAN BE NORMALY FOUND IN GAME. YOU WILL NOT FIND: Level upgrade P Skills S Skills Final Equipments +9 Class Change Skill Change YOU WILL FIND: Normal upgrade item Exp Ringrs Final Weapons/Armours of low upgrade Belts Pet Mounts STAFF [GF]Zack4Major [GF]N1x0n4Major [TM]Killer4Major [Dev]Mr.MonteNegro [Dev]Mr.Lucifer [Dev]Sodio [GM]Tosh [bA]Casey