
Bernardo Cordeiro

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Posts posted by Bernardo Cordeiro

  1. FONTE: http://thehouseofpor...d-portable.html

    Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Extended software delivers even more imaging magic, new creative options, and the Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine for blazingly fast performance. Retouch with greater precision, and intuitively create 3D graphics, 2D designs, and movies using new and reimagined tools and workflows.

    New Features

    Enhance your creativity and boost your productivity. Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Extended software delivers blazingly fast performance with the new Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine, groundbreaking new Content-Aware tools, simplified 3D artwork creation, reengineered design tools, and more.

    &--#60;a href="" name="content-dotcom-en-feature-photoshopextended-cs6-content-aware-patch" style="border: 0px; color: #447099; cursor: pointer; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"&--#62;Content-Aware Patch

    Patch images with greater control using Content-Aware Patch, which allows you to choose the area that Content-Aware will use to create your patch.

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    Mercury Graphics Engine

    See near-instant results when you're editing images with key tools such as Liquify and Puppet Warp, creating 3D artwork, and working with matte paintings and other large files.

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    3D performance boost

    Experience enhanced performance throughout your 3D workflows. View shadows and reflections in all editing modes, quickly render final work in Adobe RayTrace mode thanks to the Mercury Graphics Engine, and much more.

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    3D controls at your fingertips

    Use a vastly simplified user interface to intuitively create and animate 3D artwork. Use in-context and on-canvas controls to manipulate cages for 3D extrusions, change the orientation of scenes and objects, edit lights, and more.

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    New and reengineered design tools

    Create superior designs faster. Get consistent formatting with type styles, use vector layers to apply strokes and add gradients to vector objects, easily create custom strokes and dashed lines, quickly search layers, and more.

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    New Blur Gallery

    Quickly create photographic blur effects using a simple new interface with on-image controls. Create tilt-shift effects, blur everything and then sharpen one focal point, or vary the blurriness between multiple focal points. The Mercury Graphics Engine delivers immediate results.

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    All-new Crop tool

    Crop images faster and with greater precision using the all-new, nondestructive Crop tool. Manipulate your images on canvas, and take advantage of the Mercury Graphics Engine to see your adjustments happen live.

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    Modern user interface

    Work with a fresh, elegant interface featuring dark background options that make your images pop, and benefit from hundreds of design touches that create a smoother, more consistent editing experience.

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    New reflections and draggable shadows

    Quickly achieve 3D realism by adding and enhancing shadows and reflections on your ground plane. Drag a shadow to reposition the light source, and easily edit ground reflections, shadows, and other effects.

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    Intuitive video creation

    Bring Photoshop image editing power to your videos. Easily enhance any clip using the full range of familiar Photoshop editing tools, and combine clips and stills with transitions, audio, and effects such as pan and zoom.

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    Background Save

    Keep on working even while saving the largest of Photoshop files in the background — a performance improvement that can help your productivity soar.

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    Let the auto-recovery option work behind the scenes to save your edits without interrupting your progress. A copy of your work is saved every 10 minutes and recovered in the event of an unexpected shutdown.

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    Easy alignment and distribution of 3D objects

    Create rich 3D scenes in less time now that you can automatically align 3D objects to the vanishing point in your image and manipulate a group of 3D objects at one time using a new multiselect option.

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    Content-Aware Move

    Move or extend a selected object to another area of your image, and then watch as Content-Aware Move magically recomposes and blends the object for a stunning visual result.

    View other new features»

    View all features»

    In this portable version there are included a lot of languages! List:







    Brazilian Portuguese





    Also added some additional plugins...

    Ascii Art, Box Fitting, DiffGlow, EdgesXF, Fur 2 (Mehdi), Half Tone, Illum FixV17b9d, Luce, Luce2, Mosaic Toolkit, Retrodots, Scanlines, SortingTiles

    Also included Adobe Bridge CS6, in another exe file!

    PS: Peço a um moderador que coloque isto na zona dos aplicativos portáteis ;)

  2. Basicamente, estou-me a referir ao teu peso, porque não me parece normal para alguém da tua idade pesar 35kg.Segundo o IMC (índice de massa corporal), o teu IMC é 12,9.O IMC corresponde ao quociente entre a tua massa e o quadrado da tua altura.í ter dito que estava preocupado o.o

  3. Olá companheiros,O meu nome é Bernardo Cordeiro, tenho 17 anos, sou de Leiria e frequento o 12º ano do curso de ciências e tecnologias.Tenho um grande interesse na área da tecnologia e para o ano pretendo seguir um curso de engenharia eletrotécnica ou informática, ainda estou um pouco indecido, mas este ano vai ser crucial para eu fazer esta grande decisão :PEm relação aos jogos, tenho algum gosto em jogar metin2 mas já tive mais gosto por aquilo. Recentemente descobri que uma pessoa especial jogava metin2 e como uma das pessoas (Zé Carlos aka iTrust) com quem joguei no passado me falou do CGMT2, eu decidi vir jogar com o meu miguito para passar o tempo (:Como sempre, sou do reino amarelo e o meu char chama-se KopimiBeijinhos e abraços para tod@s