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Everything posted by hades1997

  1. Hi. I will show you, how you can easly convert item_proto / mob_proto .xml to item_proto , item_names / mob_proto , mob_names .txt So, first time you need to convert item_proto from another client if you have some weapons, or idk, what you want to do. You need to convert item_proto to item_proto .xml Here you can download a 40k Decrypter : Now, if you have the item_proto .xml Just download this converter : Just put the item_proto .xml in this arhive, and put over "AA_Convert.bat". Then you will get the item_proto / item_names .txt (You can do the same with mob_proto) This tutorial is just for 40k version. Work 100%, this tutorial is tested by me. I don`t know if this is already posted, but i hope this tutorial can be good for someone. Good luck, have fun. xD
  2. Hi to everyone ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Hades and today i will show you my Own - [Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT]. [Angel vs Demon] - [PROJECT] is ready for sell. That Server was online just in BETA Test. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Server Language : English. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server comes with : - Game & DB - [Source] - Game & DB - Client with a new structure. - [Source] Client / Binary - Defined a DEV Structure to work on server. - [Source] Dump Proto. - HomePage - Item-Shop premium version. - Autopatcher - Web + Client. - [PSD] Design - Autopatcher. - HackShield - Client + Web Page. - [Source] - Hackshield - [PSD] Server Presentation. - [Angel vs Demon] - [Server Tools]. /// Full Arhive Preview : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Angel vs Demon] - Server Presentation - PhotoShop : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Angel vs Demon] - Autopatcher Design - PhotoShop : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Hades] - Server Features after the BETA - PhotoShop Presentation : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Price : 200E Payment Method : Paypal / Bank Tranfer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact : - Skype : gurzau_ionutz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I decided to sell this PROJECT, because i don't have time to open alone a server... and i don't want my Project to be reselled by that "Jonas" and his usseless "TEH", with incompleted files, unknown server problems. If you don't want to buy that server, it's ok, but just take care of "Jonas" / "Ronson"... xD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people know this guy "Jonas Rettig" and his "TEH" - "Ronson", who don't know to make a server drop. BETA Server was open with them. "Jonas" gave access to several of his friends. And "Ronson" has made a backup. "Jonas" and "Ronson" first time when they tried to do something... was a crashcore. I was working on this server to solve problems... without to put the source on host. They don't know what's a Source... After a few quarrels, "Jonas" decid to sell server. Here you have some Printscreens :) "Jonas" on Facebook. "Ronson" on Skype. /// I'm not sure if someone it's so "nub" to buy a PROJECT without Sources / Tools / 0 Support. /// "Jonas" is always searching for a "TEH". Don't work with him and "Ronson". That's All Story. /// "Jonas" tried to sell the PROJECT from long time ago. Incompleted, but he does not care. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- After that server received some new updates from beta.----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// For more details about this server, contact me on skype.
  3. Hi to everyone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today i want to share with you my own Updated Version of the Royal Metin2. This version comes with a lot of changes. The server was translated full in enlgish language. Interface images was translated too with some little changes. The quests are translated too, a lot of them was updated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it's possible to be the last update, because i'm busy with my own project. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube Presentation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little Presentation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of people ask me for a version without viruses and bugs solved. In this version the bugs / turkey backdoors or commands / some crash cores was solved. Some new features was added. If you are interested about this server, please read the full topic. For more details you can contact my on Skype. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the new features of this version ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Hi to everyone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today it's the day who i release the ultimate royal version. - New Systems. - New features. - Another problems solved. - More optimized. - English Language. ============================================================== Contact Skype : gurzau_ionutz ============================================================== Price : 150E. (Support / Host is not included). ============================================================== What buyers recieve after the payment is done. - Server Files (Game & DB) - Client & Decrypter. - Dump Proto Source. - Game & DB Source. - Binary Source. - HomePage + Item-Shop Premium. - And Some Server - PSD ============================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure. But for royal that's the last updates about new systems and more. Cuz i'm busy with Angel vs Demon - Project. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Preview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct Link : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this moment, i didn't finshed a Video. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates for Royal v3 - English Language. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Special Items Effect - Added 3x New Effects for Armors / Weapons. *Mount System like Pet. - Added 3x New Mounts. - Can be summon / equip with CTRL+G Key. *Animated Weapons. - 1x Weapons Set. - Horse Bug Solved. - Can be added more weapon. * Advance Duel - (Choose duel type) - Normal Duel. - Advance Duel (Without Critical / Penetration / Poison). * Inventory Yang Updated. Exemple inventory yang: 1T 987M 536K 63 Yang. * Skill Over P - Defined. (Actually Disabled) * New Official Emotes. - Dance 7, Selfie, Angry, Heating, Pushups. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version -> Include v2 Systems too. * Dice Inventory. * Paste Link in chat. * New Pets from Official. * Sash 200% Abs with GM Command. (25% max for players.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Server System. - Costume. - Costume Weapons. - Costume Animated Weapons. - Pet. - New Pet. - Info Drop. - Okey Card Event. - Sash System. - Item Buff System. - Title System - Vegas. -> SideBar too. - Offline Shop. (Without unlimited option) -> SideBar too. - Switchbot - Recycle Bin - ScreenShot - Day/Night - Teleport -> SideBar. - Bonus Page -> Character Window. - Block EXP / Shadow -> System Options. - Shop Name / Info. Players / Auto Pick-up / Yang Drop / Snow -> GameOptions. - New Trade Chat "$". - Offline Message. - Archer Bag. - Alchemy Updated. - VIP / Miss / Mister / MOD - Inventory Password. - Fast Quit. - Video Maker. ETC...
  5. ================================================== [ Hades Work ] - Royal 2019 - For Sell. ================================================== ---- Version Date : 10.02.2019 -------- --------------------------------------- --------- Author : Hades -------------- --------------------------------------- ------- Skype : gurzau_ionutz --------- ================================================== -------------------------------------------------- - What buyers recieve after the payment is done. - -------------------------------------------------- - Server Files (Game & DB) - Client & Decrypter. - Dump Proto Source. - Game & DB Source. - Binary Source. - Necessary Programs (Visual Studio, etc.) ================================================== \\\ Youtube Presentation /// -------------------------------------------------- [ Hades Work ] - Royal 2019 - Updates : -------------------------------------------------- * Biolog - System. * Special Items Effect - System. * Skills Panel without NPC - System. * Special Storage - System. * Chest View Drop - System. * New Inventory Protect - System. * Sort Inventory. * Sort Special Storage. * Maintenance - System. * Skill Over P - System. * Kill All - Command. * Stackable Metin Stones. * New window to drop items. * New Inventory Protect. - Key Inventory - Deleted. - Old Inventory Protect - Deleted. - Recycle Bin from Sidebar - Deleted. - MD's from inventory - Deleted. - Alchemy Button Disabled. - Change Race Ring - Solved. - Old Interface - Added. - Horse & Mount Skills - Solved. ================================================== ------ \\\ And more other updates /// ------------ ================================================== --- Last version updates & fixes are included. --- ================================================== - For more details you can contact me on skype. - ==================================================
  6. Hi ! I don`t know if you know about this source, but i will post this config source for you. The config source isn`t make by me, i didn`t tested, because i don`t need it now. It`s was posted by Twix and edited by him. Whos is Twix ? He`s Twix Work who make the Nirvana (Romanian) Server Filles. So you can open this source with Visual Studio,. I don`t have a tutorial for this source. Link source here : Good luck, have fun. And sorry for my bad english. xD
  7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Same price for old versions. ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal V1 - Price with discount : 50E. Royal V2 - Price with discount : 75E. Angel vs Demon - Project : Price with discount : 125E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Price for Royal v3 restored. ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal V3 it's the last version. Price for Royal v3 : 150E. Included support it's just to install it for you.
  8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ For Christmas Holidays ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~15% Discount + No fee for paypal invoice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal V1 - Price with discount : 65E. Royal V2 - Price with discount : 90E. Angel vs Demon - Project : Price with discount : 130E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Happy Holidays for everyone. ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ For Christmas Holidays ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~15% Discount + No fee for paypal invoice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal V1 - Price with discount : 65E. Royal V2 - Price with discount : 90E. Angel vs Demon - Project : Price with discount : 130E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Happy Holidays for everyone. ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------