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Everything posted by hades1997

  1. The real story of the Avatar... Is about a man, who really want to turn off the fire.
  2. Go into your Item_proto table (server), go to the dragon gems (for example 122010) and then check if the vnum_range is 99 (at the end of the query).
  3. And what`s the .sg files, don`t you have any tutorial or something ?
  4. Hi to everyone. Can someone give me a server filles 40k full source clean? And tell me how to make launcher / application.exe to work without dll files in the same place. Thanks :D
  5. Tupeu is from romanian, he translate this server 90-95% in romanian language. Proto is turkey. He didn`t translate this, but all server is translated in romanian language. BUGS: razador , nemere , meley , sash , pet system, maybe have more i don`t know. Metin2.exe has Win32.Neshta. Use this server filles for resource, it`s full bug. Good luck xD
  6. More people said isn`t good to use /reload q in your client because you can create bugs on your quest. Use ./qc in conssole to compile new quests and reboot your server. I think it`s much better. Good luck. xD
  7. My server run with .txt And more 40k clients version work with .txt But if you can`t acces db. You can decrypt item_proto from client, and with .xml, you can convert to text, and you don`t need to make your own query :D With mob_proto i didn`t tested, because i don`t need mobs, just items. But with item_proto that trick helped me :D I`m using dump_proto source for 40k, but mob proto isn`t compatible with some clients because of lycan. I can`t put the rezist claw to mobs, because mobs lost texture.
  8. No problem. If someone can implement this items succesfull please share. The scale i think it`s ok. Prewiew in client it`s like :
  9. Hi cybers :) I have a problem with items like : Items give bonus, but don`t show. But all swords looks good : Thanks.
  10. Thanks for help! For sure, that was the problem, i solved and i put a icon for lycan. But the items don`t have description... Just name appear ... And the interface from system don`t show real time played for lycan character... Thanks for help
  11. Cybers Hi! Help me please, i`m very low phyton... I diddn`t got erros in source... I put the from root. Maybe it`s something wrong there... Syserr Client :
  12. I put to download my own files modified and the tutorial with the system title... And the syserr from client.. I don`t know what tot do... I`m done. I started to put this system like 6 hours ago, i don`t know, what`s wrong with client... I always got error from root directory... I've been trying to find solutions on Google, but i didn`t find solutions for my errors -.- What information i can give you more... I have this errors only when i trying to login with lycan character...
  13. I want to make a new menu system in the expanded taskbar... And after change the all interface client.. But i don`t know how to make the button work with systems like bonus page, switchbot...What function i need to do? My client read only the icon...
  14. Hi, cybers :) I`m trying to put here the menu system .... The first button work perfect I've been trying for a few days to make the new buttons open another system but it did not work ... And the text, appear just in the top corner ... .... Can someone please, help with this functions.. Where i need to put system files... And how can i make the button works without press key F7, or inventory buttons. Sorry for bad english :D
  15. I trying to put another icons, but in two days i can`t make buttons work -.-
  16. Make a full video in english language, it`s a great ideea. If you can make a video for client filles. More client have copy-paste files and all clients have 2gb+...