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Posts posted by xXBoyDarkXx

  1. começa por c++, para teres as bases de variáveis, funções etc... depois passa para algo mais gráfico tipo html e css(estes dois não são linguagens de programação) e depois segue para php, seres web developer é o que dá mais dinheiro e é o mais fácil acredita....


    Para começares a aprender pelo youtube, aconselho o canal "thenewboston", mas sempre podes seguir um curso profissional visto que ainda tens 15 anos, aprendes as bases de programação, sais com certificado profissional e podes seguir para a universidade facilmente visto que os exames de admissão ás mesmas vão ser abulidos

  2. Not really,  metes a variável dentro de um explode e fazes o teu array com base no número inteiro e depois fazes um implode e juntas tudo...


    Mas mesmo assim acho estranho não dar com float

  3. Nao vou jogar esse jogo é estupido e ser rico é ter tudo o se quer...sem esforço por isso eu gosto de conseguir as coisas por mim

    Ser não rico não quer dizer que tenha-mos tudo de mão beijada, existe super bilionários que começaram do 0, e foram trabalhando até chegarem onde são hoje. Apenas é um questão de acreditar-mos em nós próprios e nunca desistir(e ter sorte)

  4. Já consegui mas continua a dar erro 20001, o código é este:

    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <tchar.h>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	STARTUPINFO si = {};
    	si.cb = sizeof si;
    	const TCHAR* target = _T("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GameforgeLive\\Games\\PRT_por\\Metin2\\metin2client.bin");
    	if (!CreateProcess(target, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, &si, π))
    		cerr << "CreateProcess failed (" << GetLastError() << ").\n";
    		cout << "Waiting on process for 5 seconds.." << endl;
    		WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 5 * 1000);
    		if ( TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0) ) // Evil
    		cout << "Process terminated!";
    		if (PostThreadMessage(pi.dwThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0)) // Good
    			cout << "Request to terminate process has been sent!";
    	return 0;

  5. A cena é que tipo bypass impede que injetamos outra coisa, por exemplo se injetar a tua dll juntamente com o mod do kramer por exemplo a tua dll injeta mas o mod não.


    PS: Sabes como correr o metin2 sem passar pelo launcher porque se renomear o .bin para .exe dá erro 20001 e se meter "start metin2client.bin" não dá visto que estou no windows 8.1


    Obrigado desde já ;)

    – Launched Operation Bloodhound, available until September 30th, 2015.
    – Six community maps available for free to ALL CS:GO PLAYERS on official servers via the Operation Bloodhound map group: Agency, Resort, Zoo, Log, Rails, and Season
    – The Operation Bloodhound Access Pass is now available for purchase. It provides:
    — The upgradable Operation Bloodhound Challenge Coin, which can be displayed on your profile and in the scoreboard.
    — The Operation Bloodhound Journal, complete with Friends Leaderboards to track your Active Duty and Operation Competitive performance.
    — Two all-new campaigns, with 62 missions rewarding additional XP throughout the Operation.
    — Earned weapon drops will come from the Operation Bloodhound exclusive weapon collections: Cobblestone, Cache, Overpass, and all-new collections Gods and Monsters, The Rising Sun, and Chop Shop.
    — Exclusive access to the Falchion Case, containing 16 community-designed weapon finishes and the all-new Falchion Knife.
    — Added two new Mission types, Assassination and Guardian Co-op which are playable via campaign missions in the Operation.

    – Introducing Profile Ranks, viewable in-game on your CS:GO profile.
    – Play on official servers to earn XP and rank up your CS:GO Profile Rank.
    — In Competitive Mode, your earned XP is determined by your rounds won.
    — In all other modes, your earned XP is determined by your score.
    — You can earn additional XP by completing Operation Bloodhound Missions.
    – In addition to increasing your CS:GO Profile Rank, your first Rank earned each week will reward you with an earned weapon drop. If you own an Operation Bloodhound Access Pass, your weapon will come from one of the exclusive Operation Bloodhound weapon collections.

    – Reduced Round timer from 3:00 to 2:15.
    – Increased warmup time from 30 to 90 seconds.
    – Disabled vote to restart match.
    – Vote to change level is disabled after a team has reached match point.

    – Fixed sometimes (but rarely) seeing health of players on the other team in the mini scoreboard.
    – Fixed the freeze panel sometimes getting stuck on and staying on even after the player is alive.

    – Added trace-based visibility checks to prevent networking invisible enemy players.
    – Updated CSGO engine to the latest Steam API SDK.
    – Improved support for integrated web browser MOTD popups.
    – Fixed several server-crashing exploits.
    – Fixed voice chat echo in lobby.
    – Re-enabled a bunch of player model variants including the much missed Balkan “Ido” model, otherwise known as tm_balkan_variantC.
    – Added a convar (sv_disable_immunity_alpha) that when set, allows mods to handle their own alpha on players.
    – Limited support for FBX in studiomdl.
    – Added sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point (default 0, vote is never disallowed). When set to 1, the vote to change level is disabled after a team has reached match point.

    –Fixed multiple bomb-stuck spots
    –Fixed an issue where saving CTs could be seen on radar from outside spawn
    –Fixed an annoying issue where grenades would collide with ground geometry map-wide
    –Deleted a problematic glass pane in mid (thanks RoF Anders)
    –Ensured tarps on crates are actually spammable

    –Reduced width of Upper B T-side and long A to their CS:Source dimensions
    –Fixed every “white on white” corner to improve visibility (Thanks Shahzam)
    –Added a railing on catwalk to ensure that T’s don’t rush A site without potential punishment from pit
    –Fixed an angle at B lower to ensure that defensive grenades can be bounced off a wall easily and properly, as was the case in CS:Source
    –Made squeeky door louder
    –Bug fix: fixed metal sounds being made on all surfaces throughout the map.

    –Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
    –Fixed some spots where players could get stuck on walls


    Link original -

  7. Podes ter a conta aberta nos 2 pc's, mas só podes ligar um jogo de cada vez.

    Senão depois não consegues entrar na conta e ficas afk no meio de um competitivo, NÃO É SENHOR CROSSIE?