Rodnia | Alpha & Omega


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Posts posted by MagicToMaster

  1. Tipo: Esses vídeos já andaram na net a bué tempo. O Tiagovski já deu explicação para cada um deles e sabem o que vos digo? inveja há muita...

    Não estou a dizer que ele pode não ter feito isso, mas provas fixas não existem e quando estou a dizer provas fixas estou a referir-me a provas verdadeiras, essas cenas de paysafecards não tem nada haver, basta o gajo que fez o vídeo não mandar o ID do pay correto....


    Mas tu és burro ou comes palha ás garfadas?Nao te chegam as provas dadas nos vídeos?Olha que já vi provas piores a meter gente na cadeia em tribunais.

  2. Ele pode ter feito coisas antes que nao tenham sido boa smas agora ele nao rouba nada isso sao gajos que tentao roubar ,

    ainda hoje dia 13/4/2014 um gajo no mkmt2 fesce passar por ele e muito bem nome pareciso etc mas nao era ele e depois ele fica com essa fama ele agora e um youtuber  honesto


    Acho que reconheces a voz dele no video nao reconheces?podem imitar em muita coisam, mas aquela voz...

  3. Pegando nessa do Pet...Ele num vídeo diz "Comprei este Pet agora há pouco já está a level "xx", recomendo mesmo porque é muito OP"Perguntam-lhe o preço do Pet por PM e ele diz "Nem sei o preço dele, alguém que veja aí sff."



  4. Ok ele até nao é um mau youtuber mas eu acho que ele se faz um bocado de coitadinho e depois é ganda ladrao ....


    Já me estás a dar razão!Ele á tempos postou que ia jogar Melicia e pediu para o ajudarem. Assim á cara podre mesmo! Um youtuber que se preze, entra num jogo, faz uma conta e começa do 0 sem atrair muitas atençoes ao inicio para fazer uma série e apreciar o jogo.

  5. Imagem colocada


    VERSION 1.0.4.

    Dear Players,

    The next update pack will be added to the game on 14.04.2014 (Monday). It will contain the following features and fixings:

    New features:
    • Kiss is available for the characters on the Target Bar among the Social functions.
    • You can see in the description of the upgrade items which monsters drop them.
    • The chat window has been changed:
    o Bigger font size.
    o You can start to talk to a player by the button next to the character name in the chat window.
    o You can see a small flag next to every record which show the client language of the given player.

    Modfications to enhance the game experience:
    • The Naga Palace map’s size is decreased significantly and we optimized the graphic there.
    • The Capital became smaller. We cut the unnecessary parts that the server load will be smaller and you have to run much less for the quests.
    • The Light Temple has got a more optimized grapic.
    • The Spider Catacombs have got a more optimized graphic.
    • The Wedding Map became more spectacular and intimate.
    • If you write somebody in a PM and he/she is offline, the system message will appear in the PM window.
    • In the chat window at the language selector, small flags show the languages.
    • From now on, the Wu Zhein, the Minotaur and the Naga weapons will not get power against Half-humans anymore.
    • At death, the characters will lose EXP if they revive in the place. If you revive at the teleport, you will not lose EXP. (At PvP you will not lose EXP if you die.)
    • Sword Energy skill gives more attack value by 3 points.

    • The Wedding Ring will work from now on when the spouses are on another CH.
    • The item stack size in a trade window will refresh automatically.
    • An interrupted wedding could cause problems and nobody could get married after it. Fixed!
    • The second hit of the combo of the Ninjas did not cause damage. Fixed!
    • If you dismounted, you would be in the air. Fixed!
    • It can happen that an item became useless in the inventory. Fixed!
    • The stuttering while you distribute your skill points is fixed.
    • The couple can not teleport to each other, if the wife/husband is in an area where the another spouse can not enter.
    • If you teleported to the Mountain of the Cursed Warlord, you could arrive sunk in the groud. Fixed!
    • There was a bug at the Market Place and you could put more than 10 items to there. Fixed!
    • Sometimes you could not cancel your item selling on the Market Place. Fixed!
    • The Shaman skills will affect on the owner if there is not valid target.
    • The bonuses of the new stones will affect to the values of the skills correctly.
    • The teleporter NPC in the Demon Catacombs did not work. Fixed!
    • At the Blade Energy, the values will be showed in the correct form.
    • The skills will not be zero unexpectedly.
    • There is a bug at the accepting of the group invitation. Fixed!
    • The animations of Somar are fixed.

    We did not finish the updates. Soon there will be added further new features to the game. Thank you for your bug reports, support and patience. We are counting on you in the future too.

    Have fun!


  6. Dear Players,

    A newer update pack will be added to the game next week. We will write more information about it soon.

    In the meantime, we show you two pictures about the reworked Minotaur Map, which will be available in the game in the near future.



    Imagem colocada


    Imagem colocada

  7. História:
    "Conta a Lenda que a cada milénio o Eclipse Solar provoca uma fúria muito grande a todos os monstros do planeta.
    Durante o Eclipse eles geram uma marmore que permite aos humanos trasnformarem-se em animais!

    Solta o animal que existe dentro de ti e luta em nome do teu reino!

    Mata o maximo de adversários do Reino oposto e leva o teu reino á conquista do mundo Metin!"

    Como é que se faz?
    No Deserto ou Vale ou Montanha, os participantes colocavam-se no inicio do mapa unidos á espera de ordens dos GM.

    Naquele momento os GM metiam Rate de drop de marmores de polimorfismo a 1000% (so durante 20segundos) e só poderia avançar quem tivesse marmore.

    Chegando ao centro teriam que se transformar e fazer uma "Guerra de Reinos" transformado em monstro!

    Quem morrer terá que fazer "Renascer Cidade" a não ser que tenha mais marmores.

    O Reino que permanecer em batalha e transformado Recebe Exp ou Drop ou Yang Bonus!


    [sugestão feita por mim a pedido de um administrador de um servidor já fechado]

  8. A tradição é as "crianças" procurarem os Ovos da pascoa pelos jardins e etc...Entao que tal aplicar essa tradição no jogo! Mas fazendo com que os ovos se mexam de local para ser mais dificil encontrar ou apanhar![a velocidade deles poderia ser igual á do "Milenar de machado" (já nao sei o nome exacto)].Seria um evento inovador e divertido! 

  9. Que me dizem á ideia de fazer uma caça aos ovos da páscoa?!

    Editavam as "pedras metin" em forma de ovo da pascoa, metiam-lhe umas pernas e braços (animação dos tanaka)E faziam com que eles corressem. mas corressem muito mesmo!Ao morrer rebentavam como a "metin" e dropavam doces ou ovos da pascoa etc...

    Esta sugestão nao é para todos... é so para quem pode!

  10. Imagem colocada


    Dear Players,

    The next update will be on 07.04.2014 (Monday). The update pack will contain the following features and fixings:

    New features:
    • New item: Gender Changer Scroll. You can change the gender of your character with the help of it.
    • Renewed Dragon Lord Arena.
    • A small flag shows the users’ language above the characters head and in the PM window.
    • In the Settings menu, you can set how you would like to see the information about the given character.
    • A small heart shows if your spouse is online.
    • The timer in the boss halls and on the runs changes in every seconds (instead of in every minutes).
    • PM window is openable by Shift + Enter hotkeys.
    • The Healing skill will target the owner character automatically if there is no valid target selected.
    • If you are paging in the inventory, it will not be changed immediately to get rid of the annoying problems connected to it.

    Modfications to enhance the game experience:
    • If you selected a character or a mob, you can see a more spectacular or a more useful window above. You can customize it in the Settings menu.
    • We decreased the power of the HP stealing bonus because on higher level it can break the balance.
    • If you die, you will lose 1% EXP.
    • The Naga monsters move faster.
    • More spectacular Dragon Lord.
    • The Bravery Cape can affect from longer distance.

    Bug fixings:
    • If you tried to start to go a newer boss fight or run immediately, you could be disconnected. Fixed!
    • Order by item names on the Market Place is fixed.
    • More refined animations during the wedding.
    • It could be possible that a PM window opened unexpectedly and it disabled the focus from the current window.
    • From now on, you can not talk in more chat windows to the same character.
    • You can put the newest stones to the Market Place and they will appear in the „Misc” category.
    • The attack value of the Flames skill will appear immediately in the skill info.
    • We fixed a quest on level 29 which appeared wrongly.
    • The time values of the skills will not appear in rounded form.
    • From now on, you can not select the hiding ninjas.
    • Bugs at the name change (at the market place, group, clan etc) are fixed.
    • After the mino run, sometimes you would be teleported back to the Capital. Fixed! Now you will be teleported back to the NPC at the entrance.
    • The Divine Weapons do not show +0 in the item name.
    • In wisper after you push Enter, you did not started to write in the right window. Fixed!
    • Ganda’s name does not contain +0 from now on.
    • All the items in the Market Place will appear immediately. So far, only one appeared from the same items.

    We did not finish the updates. Soon there will be added further new features to the game. Thank you for your bug reports, support and patience. We are counting on you in the future too.

    Have fun!


  11. Boas. Venho por este meio informar que vou sair deste forum.Os motivos sao vários, mas o principal é porque nao se vê mais nada aqui a nao ser Metin2.

    Este tema já começa a ser desinteressante e cansativo. Nao há nada de novo.Também vou deixar o forum devido a algumas infantilidades por parte de alguns membros.


    Quando este forum voltar a ser digno de se frequentar, eu volto.

    Sem mais 

    Leandro Silva

  12. Imagem colocada


    Dear Players,

    The potion maniac Kenrush will sell his special elixirs for a week. Search for him and try out the elixirs' effects!

    Kenrush can be found on the Teleport Place, you can buy the following elixirs from him for Hero Points:

    - KaBOomm Elixir: A comic bubble will appear if you hit your opponents.
    - Forbidden Elixir: You will lose the control above your character.
    - Brobdingnagian Elixir: Your character’s size will increase by one and a half.
    - Liliputian Elixir: Your character's size will shrink to the half.

    The effects of the elixirs last for 5 minutes, then your status will return to normal. Attention! The funny potions will disappear after the event, so buy as many as you will use up during the event!

    You could read Kenrush's story. The event connected to him, the inhabitants of the imperial city celebrate every year. This time of the year is called as the "April's Fool".

    Let the good homour and foolery fill the brave adventurers’ hearts this week!

    M2M Team