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Everything posted by draghere

  1. new server metin 2 Drake with many new features ... Be part of this story. # Added Surakopf # Added [by_Signe].exe - (The cool thing about this .exe you can change it to all names you want to, and you'll not get any errors!) # Auto login in client # New Client interface # New Ingame interface # New GM logo + effect # 156 New Armors added! / 39 armors for each character!!! # New Weapons and EQ # Spirit Stones can go up to +12 # 6th skills is added and bug free on Warrior and Ninja # 6th skill books added for Warrior and Ninja # Max Level: 250 # 125 stat points # PM bug is fixed # More NPCs in town # All mobs is talking english # ALOT of new shops on ALOT of NPCs # Guild War maps added # National War maps added # Watery Cravern 2 added and fully fixed # Watery Cravern 2 Boss room added (you just need to make a quest for the boss room) # Ymir maps added: bayblacksand/capedragonhead/dawnmistwood # Fully fixed Demon Tower # Farm map added # Liho map added # Huge Premium Map added # New design in all towns # New entrances teleport in all main towns to Watery Cavern 2 # OX map added and fixed ( /go ox ) (all questions is english) # Spider Dungeon 3 added # Day and Night added ( /xmas_boom 0-1 ) # Snow added ( /xmas_snow 0-1 ) # TONS of ingame GM tools. for events and stuff like that. # AND MUCH MUCH MORE!
  2. Olá alguém poderia me ajudar ,contratei um vps apos conseguir configurar um server files no meu pc... Ressolvi colocar ele no vps para testes.. o server roda perfeitamente em meu pc ,passei ao vps igual como tava configurei os ips ,etc.. o client mas na hora de logar no client ele falha ao conectar , achei que fosse por ter só 1gb de ram , ai botei 2 mas continua na mesma... ja não sei o que fazer mais , ou se tem algo de errado por que ele aparece os connect operation time out... Att @draghere