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Posts posted by Esenn2

  1. 3.6.22:

     Now you can also bring Ward & Boost skills from 1 to M1 using books (success chance 30%, if you also have the read bonus gonna be 45%).

     If you was changing the guild leader the count of maximum members was not taking in consideration the bonus from the altar bonus.
     If you had a stack of metin stones, when you was trying to craft minerals, it was removing all the stack instead taking just one.
     The guild blacksmith was not showing the right success chance if you are from same guild.
     Solved some small problems not related to the gameplay.
     The lycan was receiving Spirit Strike Ward instead Wolf's Breath Ward when you was learning a ward skill.
     If you was using auto with a bow, when opening another game client, the first with auto opened was crashing.
     King Wubba was showing on drop info also other stones. Instead he should drop just the defense stone+4, he will now show exactly what stone it drop.

     The duration of Crimson Wolf Soul & Indigo Wolf Soul was changed to x2.
     The auto-unbug-position was disabled if you're inside a guild terrain area.
     From now on, if you're level 120 you will not need anymore EXP to read skill books.
     In order to learn a Boost skill you will need first you're ward skill to be Perfect Master.
     In order to learn a Boost skill you will need first that normal skill of the boost to have at least 1 point (ex: if you're have the option Sword Spin Boost, then the main skill Sword Spin need to have at least 1 point).



     Starting with this patch, everyone Shinsoo, Chunjo & Jinno Language skills will be master.
     You can now send material to aura craft window using left click on inventory items.
     The count of metin stones in map1 & map2 of all empires was increased.

     If you didn't choose yet you're skills and you was trying to talk with someone from another empire the languages skills did no had affect at all.
     If you're horse level was bigger than 19 and you're character had no doctrine skills choosed then on character window skills area was appearing all the skills slots empty instead showing the two doctrine.

     The ninja race requirements of the Nemere's Watchtower have been replaced with warrior race.
     All the missions to level up the horse have been removed. From now one to level up you're horse, you have just to click on you're horse medals.

  3. .


    📌 The new autopatcher was added.

    📌 The game sound was starting before the client was loading.

    📌 Some small improvements to the gameclient.


    📌 At start you will now also receive: x20 Blessing Marble (B), x30 Green Strength (B), Mighty Lolly (B 7d), Ring of Secrets (B 7d), Wind Shoes(B 7d), Dragon God Life (B 7d), Dragon God Intelligence (B 7d), Dragon God Defence (B 7d), Critical Strike (B 7d), Piercing Strike (B 7d).
    📌 The anti-exp ring was completly reviewed.

    📌 The World-Boss alerts was sometimes showing that it was spawned on different maps.
    📌 The items: Dragon God Life, Dragon God Attack, Dragon God Intelligence, Dragon God Defence, Dragon God Support, Critical Strike & Piercing Strike didn't had affects (top left corner icons).
    📌 If you was keeping the mouse pointer on a skill affect their duration was not decreasing.

    📌 Any existent anti-exp ring was filled up with their full duration.

  4. atch:3.6.14

    Added Captcha System.

    Added Many 30d to Item-shop.

    Fixed the accumulation motions field for some monsters
    Fixed a problem in the scrool of war craft that when it produced all it only gave one.
    Fixed the bug where married characters could teleport to any map, even if they didn't have the required level.

    Gameplay Changes:
    Gaya chest is now tradable.
    Cor draconis Chest is now tradable.
    scrool of war is now Stackable.
    Adjusted the drop % of mission books.
    Adjusted the drop % of White pearl.
    Adjusted the drop % of Blue pearl.
    Adjusted the drop % of Blood-Red pearl.


    Tincture of Kingdoms is now available on General Store SalesWoman.
    Medium Donation Ticket can now be crafted in uriel.
    Added Medal Keeper to each kingdom's cities.
    Added Daily Quest.

    Fixed Shrunked head after Split.
    Fixed level range on mission book (hard).
    Fixed a bug where it was not possible to combine different Sash types.
    Fixed Attack speed, now max is 200.

    Gameplay Changes:
    Increased the drop of Tugiy`s Table.
    Rework all metin stones drop.
    Changed some prices on gaya system:
    Ellie (3d) is now available for 30 gems.
    Chubby mini-executor is now available for 30 gems.
    Elemental Power Stone is now available for 20 gems.
    Elemental Defense Stone is now available for 20 gems.
    Power Lolly (3d) is now available for 40 gems.
    Voucher Head Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Voucher Armour Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Voucher Weapon Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Dragon chests + have been exchanged for dragon chest.
    Enchanted item (M) has been removed from metins, now it can only be dropped from certain bosses.


    📌 The shop search of offline shops was enabled.

    📌 In the events calendar was listed also the incoming events of others days.


    📌 The new version of item affects (the icons from top-corner left) description was added.

    📌 The Red Dragon Fortress dungeon had a little problem at completing step.
    📌 When you build guild objects the Yang was deducted from inventory too (if you had the requested amount) instead taking just from guild Yang.
    📌 The bleeding affect was not showing.

    Level 21 horse mission is now available.
    Added Jigsaw Event.

    Reduced Thin Cloth drop percentage.
    Reduced Glimmerstone drop percentage.
    Reduced Enchant item(m) on giant tortoise from 10 to 5.
    Increase the monster bonus to Azrael's Helment + from 5% to 10%.
    Increased HP of all worlboss from 15000000 to 35000000.
    Reduced the drop of Pearls (Red, Blue and White).
    Reduced Horse Medal drop.
    Removed soul stone from Metin of Tree Beings.
    Added Soul Stone Splinter + to Metin of Tree Beings.
    Improved the translations of the following clients:
    Slightly Increased the drop of Grey Dye.
    Slightly Increased the drop of Mithril.
    Slightly Increased the drop of Sturdy Cords.
    Slightly Increased the drop of Agate.
    Slightly Increased the drop of Titanium Dioxide.
    Slightly Reduced the drop of Hunters Book (Easy).
    Added a block so that married characters do not have access to the map below the entry level.
    Devils Catacumbs.
    Enchanted forest.

  5. Patch:3.6.13

    Our development team have been working tirelessly to implement significant improvements that aim to enhance the gaming experience for all of you.
    The main focus of this patch is to optimize game performance, ensuring a smoother and more fluid gameplay.

    Biologist's 70 mission is fixed.

    Only some drop % have been changed.


    Tincture of Kingdoms is now available on General Store SalesWoman.
    Medium Donation Ticket can now be crafted in uriel.
    Added Medal Keeper to each kingdom's cities.
    Added Daily Quest.

    Fixed Shrunked head after Split.
    Fixed level range on mission book (hard).
    Fixed a bug where it was not possible to combine different Sash types.
    Fixed Attack speed, now max is 200.

    Gameplay Changes:
    Increased the drop of Tugiy`s Table.
    Rework all metin stones drop.
    Changed some prices on gaya system:
    Ellie (3d) is now available for 30 gems.
    Chubby mini-executor is now available for 30 gems.
    Elemental Power Stone is now available for 20 gems.
    Elemental Defense Stone is now available for 20 gems.
    Power Lolly (3d) is now available for 40 gems.
    Voucher Head Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Voucher Armour Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Voucher Weapon Skin (3d) is now available for 20 gems.
    Dragon chests + have been exchanged for dragon chest.
    Enchanted item (M) has been removed from metins, now it can only be dropped from certain bosses.

    Due to a period of low damage on the server, we have added a special item to provide more fun for players.

    How it works?

    The daily quest can be completed once every 24 hours, giving players the opportunity to participate daily. As a reward for completing the quest, players will receive a special item that expires in 24 hours.
    This item will grant players significant benefits for the entire 6-hour period.
    5% Strenght agains Metin Stones.
    5% Strenght agains Monsters.
    5% Strenght agains Boss.



  6. Patch:3.6.13 Server

    • Our development team have been working tirelessly to implement significant improvements that aim to enhance the gaming experience for all of you. The main focus of this patch is to optimize game performance, ensuring a smoother and more fluid gameplay.


    • Biologist's 70 mission is fixed.


    • Only some drop % have been changed.

    Patch:3.6.14 New

    • Added Captcha System.


    • Added Many 30d to Item-shop.


    • Fixed the accumulation motions field for some monsters
    • Fixed a problem in the scrool of war craft that when it produced all it only gave one.
    • Fixed the bug where married characters could teleport to any map, even if they didn't have the required level.

    Gameplay Changes:

    • Gaya chest is now tradable.
    • Cor draconis Chest is now tradable.
    • scrool of war is now Stackable.
    • Adjusted the drop % of mission books.
    • Adjusted the drop % of White pearl.
    • Adjusted the drop % of Blue pearl.
    • Adjusted the drop % of Blood-Red pearl.

  7. Patch:3.6.11 New

    • Added Yang, gaya & won's refresh animated.

    Gameplay Changes

    • Adjusted some drop chances.


    Patch:3.6.12 Server is Back Online, following the patch notes: Fixed:

    • Fixed Worlboss Notice.
    • Fixed Worldboss Position on chat.
    • Fixed the stack being removed when using a Horse Riding Manual.
    • The Notice after kill Spider Baroness now works only in dungeon and not for all server.
    • Fixed issue with dropping 2 x whistle on Spider Dungeon.

    Gameplay Changes:

    • Ghost Tree Lord respawn is now 2h.
    • Giant Ghost Tree respawn is now 2h.
    • Dark Giant Tortoise respawn is now 2h.
    • Mighty Ice Witch respawn is now 2h.
    • Adjusted some drop %.
    • Added the respective entrance passage in the dungeon chests.
    • Weapon skin bonuses changed:
      • 5 strenght agains Metin Stone.
        • 5 strong against boss.
    • Head skin bonuses have been changed:
      • 10 strength agains monsters.
    • Removed Limit Buy on Batlepass item (Itemshop).

    Patch:3.6.13 Server

    • Our development team have been working tirelessly to implement significant improvements that aim to enhance the gaming experience for all of you. The main focus of this patch is to optimize game performance, ensuring a smoother and more fluid gameplay.


    • Biologist's 70 mission is fixed.


    • Only some drop % have been changed.

  8. Patch:3.6.10 New:

    • Added direct teleport to the Demon Tower on the Transport Ring.
    • Added Battle Pass(June) to the item-shop.
    • Added Slidding animation on showing UI windows.
    • Added 10h exp Ring Dragon Stone Alchemy Store.


    • Fixed the price of the Armed Horse Book (Mission).
    • Mission book: Kill Snake Swordsman is now fixed.
    • Mission book: Kill Desert Outlaw is now fixed.
    • Fixed Horse Missions: Now you have 100% chance of success.
    • Fixed bug where some characters would crash in Spider Dungeon 3.

    Gameplay Changes:

    • Added Thief Glove to 45+ Metin Stones.
    • Slighty Increased Finger Bones drop %.
    • Spirit Stone Scroll is now available on General Store.
    • Aura Ice Rune is now tradable.
    • The item drop of the Tu-Young metin stones has been reduced.
    • The item drop of the Jeon-Un metin stones has been reduced.
    • Now you can make 5 times the mission " Power of the Dragon Eye".
    • Ghost Tree Lord cooldown changed to 1h.
    • Added Blessing Scroll to metin stones of level 50+ to 90.
    • Some lower chests have been upgraded:
      • Gold Treasure Chest
        • Gold Treasure Chest +
          • Silver Treasure Chest
            • Silver Treasure Chest +
    • All metin stones from Neutral Maps have now 3 minutes cooldown.
    • All Thief Gloves have been removed from chest.
    • All Exp Ring have been removed from chest.
    • If the 30 minute Rings are removed after being equipped, the item will be destroyed.
    • If the 30 minute Thief Gloves are removed after being equipped, the item will be destroyed.
    • All Boss Scrools have been removed from the respective Boss. They are now available on the rescpive Chests.
    • 10h Exp ring can now be used on inventory.


    :Icon:Patch:3.6.08 New:

    • Added teleport to Dungeons on Teleport Ring.
    • Added 3 Blacksmiths at the end of Devil Tower.
    • Added WorldBoss Event.


    • Fixed the error of not being able to read soul stones.


    • Increased the % of obtaining the map Zin-Sa-Gui on Devil Tower.
    • Added Metin of Thoughness on Desert (center).
    • Reduced the Respawn time of all Metin Stone on Orc Valey.
    • Added Metin of Soul or Orc Valey.
    • Reduced % of Dragon Chest & Dragon Chest +.
    • Increased Exp rates to 200%.
    • Increased Yang rates to 200%.

  10. Patch:3.6.06

    Aded new Start items (Updated in the morning).

    Horse Quests have been Fixed.
    mission 1/11 - 15 min 
    mission 12/21 - 30 min 
    mission 22/30 - 45 min
    Fixed horse roolback (waiting feedback).

    Adjusted the drop % of Ape Lord.
    Adjusted the drop % of Walking Ape.
    Adjusted the drop % of Rock Ape.

  11. Patch:3.6.05 Added:

    • Multiplebuy System on Store.
    • Added 200x Bravery cape on start itens.
    • Added Sun & moon elixir on start items.


    • Mission book Desert Mision.
    • Adjusted "Young Heroes Weapons" values.
    • Fixed an error where some players can't get any exp (waiting feedback).
    • Increased character movement speed (now all characters have 150 movement speed by default).
    • Fixed Flower Event notice.
    • Fixed metin respawn on Metin Stone (L).
    • Fixed a bug where the player was unable to equip any items if the inventory was full.
    • Fixed the error of trading with full inventory. Now the deal is cancelled and the yang no longer goes to another account.


    • Bravery cape drop percent have been slightly increased.
    • Increased Green Magic on low level metinstones.
    • Decreased the price of Blessing Scroll to 1kk each.
    • Decreased the price of Exorcism Scroll to 750k each.
    • Decreased the price of Concentrated Scroll to 750k each.
    • Decreased the price of Ring of Secrets to 1.5kk each.
    • Decreased the price of Blessing Marble to 2.5kk each.
    • Wind Shoes now cost 1.25kk each.
    • Power Loly is now tradable.
    • Blacksmith HandBook now go to Special inventory.
    • Dragon God Attack is now tradable.
    • Dragon God Life is now tradable.
    • Dragon God intelligence is now tradable.
    • Dragon God Defense is now tradable.
    • Increased all Buff Skills.
    • Reduce horse cooldown levelup



    É com muito orgulho que te apresentamos um novo servidor!

    Com um estilo de Gameplay e um Experiência de jogo única com ótima vertente PvM!
    O servidor foi feito e desenhado com cuidado de forma a dar aos jogadores uma aventura épica num mundo cheio de desafios e conquistas! 
    Uma equipa a pensar e a trabalhar para te dar a melhor experiência!

      Tudo foi pensando em ti, desde os equipamentos, as taxas de drop, os boss's que terás de enfrentar...literalmente tudo!

     Uma economia balanceada e dinâmica.

     Servidor com uma comunidade extensa aos quais ajudaram na versão beta e ajudam a melhorar a cada dia.

     Servidor a correr numa poderosa infraestrutura para que possas jogar a qualquer hora, a qualquer momento com o teu horário!


    Junta-te a nós para embarcar na melhor experiência gaming de metin2
    Inicia a tua aventura já no dia 27 deste mês

































  13. É com muito orgulho que te apresentamos um novo servidor!

    Com um estilo de Gameplay e um Experiência de jogo única com ótima vertente PvM!
    O servidor foi feito e desenhado com cuidado de forma a dar aos jogadores uma aventura épica num mundo cheio de desafios e conquistas! 
    Uma equipa a pensar e a trabalhar para te dar a melhor experiência!

      Tudo foi pensando em ti, desde os equipamentos, as taxas de drop, os boss's que terás de enfrentar...literalmente tudo!

     Uma economia balanceada e dinâmica.

     Servidor com uma comunidade extensa aos quais ajudaram na versão beta e ajudam a melhorar a cada dia.

     Servidor a correr numa poderosa infraestrutura para que possas jogar a qualquer hora, a qualquer momento com o teu horário!


    Junta-te a nós para embarcar na melhor experiência gaming de metin2
    Inicia a tua aventura já no dia 27 deste mês





  14. Boa Noite

    Venho anunciar um evento de convites a partir de hoje até anunciarmos a abertura do oficial
    Os 10 primeiros serão recompensados com prêmios em dinheiro e moedas do jogo


    1º - 100€ + 6 meses IS completo
    2ª - 60€ + 3 meses IS completo
    3º - 30€ + 3 meses IS completo
    4º ao 10º - 3 meses completo IS

    Haverá algumas conquistas necessárias para ser elegível para esta corrida
    - Conta registrada no servidor
    -1  personagem nível 105
    -Todo o bio feito
    -Pelo menos 20x Razador/Nemere/Dragão/Hidra/Jotum
    -300 Metins (Apenas 15 níveis diferença de nível serão contabilizados)

    Espero que gostem!

  15. Olá, não podes comparar este servidor ao azyrah ou a outro internacional. 

    Primeiro porque esses servidores estão a ser trabalhados faz tempo e tem muito conteúdo, e em segundo a jogabilidade do esenn2 é muito diferente do azyrah(Em específico) . 

    Agora se a tua pergunta é se deves deixar o azyrh para jogar esenn2? É contigo! Mas como podes ver nas nossas previews somos um pouco mais avançados a nível de jogabilidade.

    Coisas pequenas como dividir packs de 200 em x ou fazer um sort ao inventário fazem diferença. 

    Não precisas de sair do jogo para ver a wiki, procurar itens comprar na loja de itens...

    Penso que neste momento somos o unico servidor com o sistema de guils oficial a funcionar a 100%, sistema todo feito por nós (corrijam-me se estiver errado). 

    Somos uma equipa que trabalha dia e noite para o servidor e apesar de ser poucos SOMOS BONS! 

    Quanto a não abrir o servidor porque nao se "destaca" acho que devias olhar com mais atenção! 

    Boa noite a todos!