Nova quest faça teleporte para outro Jogador Você só pode se teleportar uma vez a cada hora. Você pode definir alguns nomes que são proibidos o teleporte, Exemplo fazer teleporte para veira de um Gm. Cumprimentos Item: quest teleportring begin state start begin when 70007.use begin local left = pc.getqf("next_time") - get_time() local left2 = left / 60 say_title("Teleportation ring") say("With this ring you can teleport") say("to any other player ingame.") say("") say("You can only teleport once every hour!") say_reward("Do you want to teleport?") local a = select("Yes","No") if a == 1 then say_title("Teleportation ring") say("When you enter a playername that") say("is not online, your ring will have to ") say("recharge for 1 hour anyway.") say_reward("You want to continue?") local b = select("Yes","No") if b == 1 then if get_time() > pc.getqf("next_time")then say_title("Teleportation ring") say_reward("What is the name off the player?") local name = input() if name == "[SA]1" or name == "[SGM]2" or name == "[SGM]3" or name == "[GM]4" or name == "[GM]5" or name == "[GM]6" or name == "[GM]7" then say("you can not teleport to a gm") return else pc.teleport(name) pc.teleport(name) pc.setqf("next_time", get_time() + 3600) end else say("You have to wait "..left2.." minutes longer to teleport again.") end else return end else return end end endend Creditos: Epvp