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  1. What i sell: Serverfiles without gameplay and maps with premium systems! For testing live can add me on discord: OnC#1834 Photo: Preview Offlineshop and SearchShop: Preview NewGameOption: Preview Wikipedia: Preview DragonStone Alchemy mitic: Preview Login Interface: Preview Loading when log in game: Preview Loading teleport animated: Preview Character details: Preview Channel change: Preview Inventory & Costumes: Preview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And more things ! Payment method: Paypal/Crypto Details: Serverfiles is based on martysama source! The serverfiles is clean without gameplay/maps exp or drop, all systems is fully and with design reworked! Offlineshop ikarus with new design, pet system with new design and with new code! And more things! Have multilanguage with ro/en full trasnlated ! În ce condiții și în cât timp primești / oferi serviciile sau resursele: First payment and then receive all resources! Contact DISCORD: OnC#1834 Price 350e with source ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locale_Inc: #pragma once #define LOCALE_SERVICE_EUROPE #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_ENERGY_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM // ### New From LocaleInc ### #define ENABLE_PACK_GET_CHECK #define ENABLE_CANSEEHIDDENTHING_FOR_GM #define ENABLE_PROTOSTRUCT_AUTODETECT #define ENABLE_LEVEL_IN_TRADE #define ENABLE_DICE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_EXTEND_INVEN_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_SLOT_WINDOW_EX #define ENABLE_TEXT_LEVEL_REFRESH #define ENABLE_USE_COSTUME_ATTR #define WJ_SHOW_MOB_INFO #define ENABLE_SHOW_MOBAIFLAG #define ENABLE_SHOW_MOBLEVEL // ### New From LocaleInc ### // ### From GameLib ### #define ENABLE_MOUNT_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_WEAPON_COSTUME_SYSTEM // ### From GameLib ### // ### New System Defines - Extended Version ### #define ENABLE_ACCE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_OBJ_SCALLING #define ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_NEW_ITEM #define ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_INVENTORY #define ENABLE_INVENTORY_SORT #define ENABLE_MOVE_CHANNEL #define __CHEST_DROP_INFO__ #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO_EXTENDED #define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_ANTIFLAG_TOOLTIP #define ENABLE_SKILL_SELECT_FEATURE #define ENABLE_BIOLOG_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_QUEST_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_CUBE_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_SWITCHBOT #define ENABLE_DUNGEON_TIMER #define INGAME_WIKI #define ENABLE_MULTI_LANGUAGE_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_EXTENDED_WHISPER_DETAILS #define ENABLE_ATLAS_MARK_INFO #define NEW_PET_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_BATTLE_PASS_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_HUNTING_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_CPP_PSM #define ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #ifdef ENABLE_TELEPORT_WINDOW #define ENABLE_TEXT_COLOR_CHANGING #define ENABLE_TW_LEVEL_MODULE #define ENABLE_TW_YANG_MODULE #define ENABLE_TW_ITEM_MODULE #ifdef ENABLE_TEXT_COLOR_CHANGING #define ENABLE_REALTIME_REFRESH #endif #endif #define __DETAILS_UI__ #define ENABLE_EVENT_MANAGER #define ENABLE_RANKING #define ENABLE_REFINE_RENEWAL #define ENABLE_DRAGONSOUL_ALCHEMY_PLUS #define ENABLE_POISON_GAUGE_EFFECT // ### New System Defines - Extended Version ### #define __OFFLINESHOP__GRID__ // ### Offline Shop System ### #define __ENABLE_NEW_OFFLINESHOP__ #define ENABLE_NEW_SHOP_IN_CITIES #define __ENABLE_LARGE_DYNAMIC_PACKET__ #define ENABLE_OFFLINESHOP_DEBUG #define OFFSHOP_DEBUG(fmt , ...) Tracenf("%s:%d >> " fmt , __FUNCTION__ , __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) // ### Offline Shop System ### #define __LOCK_CAMERA__
  2. WEBSITE DISCORD G-DRIVE DOWNLOAD MEGA-DOWNLOAD FOR SYSTEM PREVIEW AND MORE YOU FOUND ON DISCORD SERVER (PREVIEW) Server opening 25.12.2021 at 22:00 The login interface have a problem! Please start in 1920x1080(32) Dinasty2-Config Server is like a beta test, but don't worry we don't make a reset
  3. Hello i sell a international project AVENOR2 with source! I can show all in screen mirror the entire project with source compiling client/server WE HAVE THE SERVER ONLINE FOR TESTING! IS FULLY TRANSLATED IN GERMAN, TURK, POLAND, ROMANIAN AND ENGLISH! Contact me on discord : OnC#1834 Some pictures of server! #pragma once /*** Debug mode (only console and log file) ***/ // #define ENABLE_DEBUGGING /*** End ***/ /*** Pendant System ***/ #define ENABLE_PENDANT #ifdef ENABLE_PENDANT #define ENABLE_ELEMENT_ADD #define ENABLE_ELEMENT_TARGET #endif /*** End ***/ /*** Global Language ***/ #define ENABLE_GLOBAL_LANGUAGE #define ENABLE_WHISPER_ADMIN_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_WHISPER_FLAG /*** End ***/ /*** Pick-Up All ***/ #define ENABLE_PICK_UP_ALL #define ENABLE_FILTER_PICK_UP /*** End ***/ /*** Default Defines ***/ #define ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM #define NON_CHECK_DRAGON_SOUL_QUALIFIED // #define _IMPROVED_PACKET_ENCRYPTION_ /*** End ***/ /*** Binding System ***/ #define ENABLE_BINDING_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Magic Reduction System ***/ #define ENABLE_MAGIC_REDUCTION_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Shoulder Sash System ***/ #define ENABLE_SHOULDER_SASH_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Quiver System ***/ #define ENABLE_QUIVER_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Weapon ***/ #define ENABLE_COSTUME_WEAPON_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Hide ***/ #define ENABLE_HIDE_COSTUME_PART /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Mount ***/ #define ENABLE_COSTUME_MOUNT_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Pet ***/ #define ENABLE_COSTUME_PET_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Bonus (Add & Change) ***/ #define ENABLE_CHANGING_COSTUME_BONUS /*** End ***/ /*** Wolfman Character ***/ #define ENABLE_WOLFMAN /*** End Wolfman Character ***/ /*** Fake PC (Ditto) ***/ #define ENABLE_FAKE_PC /*** End ***/ /*** Fake Buff (Buffi/Healer) ***/ #define ENABLE_FAKE_BUFF /*** End ***/ /*** Dungeon Information ***/ #define ENABLE_DUNGEON_TIMER /*** End ***/ /*** Buy With Items ***/ #define ENABLE_MULTISHOP /*** End ***/ /*** Chest Drop Information ***/ #define ENABLE_SHOW_CHEST_DROP /*** End ***/ /*** Team After Friend List ***/ #define ENABLE_MESSENGER_TEAM /*** End ***/ /*** VIP System ***/ #define ENABLE_VIP_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Send Target Information ***/ #define ENABLE_SEND_TARGET_INFO /*** End ***/ /*** 7&8th Skills ***/ #define ENABLE_678TH_SKILL /*** End ***/ /*** FoxFS ***/ #define ENABLE_FOX_FS /*** End ***/ /*** Cython ***/ #define ENABLE_CYTHON /*** End ***/ /*** New Quest Page ***/ #define ENABLE_QUEST_RENEWAL /*** End ***/ /*** Copy Link In Chat ***/ #define ENABLE_LINK_IN_CHAT /*** End ***/ /*** Hide Objects ***/ #define ENABLE_HIDE_OBJECTS /*** End ***/ /*** New Bonus Against Chiefs & Stones ***/ #define ENABLE_BOSS_AND_STONE_BONUS /*** End ***/ /*** Wheel Scroll Mouse ***/ #define ENABLE_WHEEL_MOUSE /*** End ***/ /*** Permanent Items ***/ #define ENABLE_PERMANENT_EFFECT_ITEMS /*** End ***/ /*** Special Storage ***/ #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_STORAGE /*** End ***/ /*** Gaya Market ***/ #define ENABLE_GAYA_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** BattlePass ***/ #define ENABLE_BATTLE_PASS /*** End ***/ /*** Extended Count Items ***/ #define ENABLE_EXTENDED_COUNT_ITEMS /*** End ***/ /*** Sanii Switchbot ***/ #define ENABLE_SWITCHBOT /*** End ***/ /*** Discord RPC ***/ ///#define ENABLE_DISCORD_RPC /*** End ***/ /*** Zodiac Temple ***/ #define ENABLE_ZODIAC_TEMPLE /*** End ***/ /*** Hydra Dungeon ***/ #define ENABLE_HYDRA_DUNGEON /*** End ***/ /*** Scaling For Mobs ***/ #define ENABLE_MOB_APPEARANCE /*** End ***/ /*** Emoticon System (Spartan Files) ***/ #define ENABLE_EMOTICONS /*** End ***/ /*** Skill Color System ***/ #define ENABLE_NEW_MODULE_CONFIG #define ENABLE_SKILL_COLOR_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Cube Renewal WorldArd ***/ #define ENABLE_CUBE_RENEWAL_WORLDARD /*** End ***/ /*** Block Write Process ***/ #define BLOCK_WRITE_PROCESS_MEMORY /*** End ***/ /*** Some Definitions with include ***/ #define ENABLE_MELEY_LAIR_DUNGEON #ifdef ENABLE_MELEY_LAIR_DUNGEON #define MELEY_LAIR_DUNGEON_STATUE 8104 #endif /*** Client Version ***/ #define ENABLE_CLIENT_VERSION #ifdef ENABLE_CLIENT_VERSION #define CLIENT_VERSION "23" #endif /*** End ***/ /*** Teleport To A Friend ***/ #define ENABLE_TELEPORT_TO_A_FRIEND /*** End ***/ /*** Admin Manager ***/ #define ENABLE_ADMIN_MANAGER /*** End ***/ /*** Boss & Stone on Big Map ***/ #define ENABLE_SHOW_MAP_BOSS_AND_STONE /*** End ***/ /*** Skill CoolTime Update ***/ #define SKILL_COOLTIME_UPDATE /*** End ***/ /*** Render Target System ***/ #define ENABLE_RENDER_TARGET #define __ENABLE_RENDER_TARGET_EXTENSION__ /*** End ***/ /*** Rune System ***/ #define ENABLE_RUNE_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Wings Like Sash ***/ #define ENABLE_WINGS /*** End ***/ /*** Chat Stack For Global Messages (!) ***/ #define ENABLE_CHAT_STACK /*** End ***/ /*** Tab Targeting Like Official Metin2 ***/ #define ENABLE_TAB_NEXT_TARGET /*** End ***/ /*** Bonus Page Like official Metin2 ***/ #define ENABLE_DETAILS_UI /*** End ***/ /*** Dog Mode ***/ #define ENABLE_DOG_MODE /*** End ***/ /*** Fog Fix ***/ #define ENABLE_FOG_FIX /*** End ***/ /*** FOV Option (30 to 100 degree) ***/ #define ENABLE_FOV_OPTION /*** End ***/ /*** Hide Pet / Mount System ***/ #define ENABLE_HIDE_MOB_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** PIN Login ***/ #define ENABLE_PIN_LOGIN /*** End ***/ /*** Chromium Browser ***/ #define CEF_BROWSER /*** End ***/ /*** Hardware ID ***/ #define ENABLE_HWID /*** End ***/ /*** Fix Mobs Lag ***/ #define ENABLE_FIX_MOBS_LAG /*** End ***/ /*** Costume Aura ***/ #define ENABLE_COSTUME_AURA_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Automatic AFK System ***/ #define ENABLE_AFK_MODE_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Extended Shop Buy ***/ #define ENABLE_EXTENDED_SHOP_BUY /*** End ***/ /*** Boss Tracking ***/ #define ENABLE_BOSS_TRACKING /*** End ***/ /*** Enable Legendary Skills ***/ #define ENABLE_SKILLS_LEVEL_OVER_P /*** End ***/ /*** Auto Refine ***/ #define ENABLE_AUTO_REFINE /*** End ***/ /*** Effects System ***/ #define ENABLE_EFFECT_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** New Pet System ***/ #define ENABLE_NEW_PET_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Maintenance System ***/ #define ENABLE_MAINTENANCE_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** Emotion Hide Weapon ***/ #define ENABLE_EMOTION_HIDE_WEAPON /*** End ***/ /*** No Colission For players in Safezone ***/ #define REMOVE_SAFEZONE_COLLISION /*** End ***/ /*** Spcial Chat ***/ #define ENABLE_SPECIAL_CHAT /*** End ***/ /*** Load Static Cached Modells ***/ #define ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_BOOST /*** End ***/ /*** Voice Chat ***/ //*/**#define ENABLE_VOICE_CHAT /*** End ***/ /*** Aeldra Stuff ***/ #define ENABLE_INGAME_WIKI #if defined(ENABLE_INGAME_WIKI) && defined(ENABLE_WOLFMAN) #define INGAME_WIKI_WOLFMAN #endif #define ENABLE_NEW_TARGET_UI #define ENABLE_BIOLOG_SYSTEM /*** End ***/ /*** iBeast work ***/ #define ENABLE_AFTERDEATH_SHIELD #define ENABLE_EXTENDED_SELL #define ENABLE_MULTIPLE_STATUS_ADD /*** End if iBeast works ***/ /*** canTolip work ***/ #define SANDIK_ICGORU /*** End ***/ /*** Chriss work ***/ #define ENABLE_CHAT_COLOR_SYSTEM #ifndef ENABLE_SPECULAR_SYSTEM #define ENABLE_SPECULAR_SYSTEM #define SET_ALPHACHANNEL_INTENSITY 3 /* 1.Normal intensity 2.Semi intensity 3.Max intensity */ #endif /*** End ***/ /*** Zorls work ***/ /*** C++17 ***/ // Steps if you want to disable this: // -> Change C++ Standart Language in all projects properties to c++14 (or lower); // -> Change std::mem_fn to std::void_mem_fun in all projects files; // -> Disable this define: ENABLE_CPP_17; #define ENABLE_CPP_17 #if defined(ENABLE_CPP_17) #if !defined(_HAS_STD_BYTE) #define _HAS_STD_BYTE 0 #endif #endif /*** End of C++17 ***/ #if defined(ENABLE_FIX_MOBS_LAG) // -> The define ENABLE_FIX_MOBS_LAG have problems in device reseting. // -> With this new define all this problems are fixed. #define FIX_MOBS_LAG_FIX #endif /*** End ***/ /*** Ikarus work ***/ #define ENABLE_WINDOW_SLIDE_EFFECT #define __ENABLE_SHAMAN_ATTACK_FIX__ #define __ENABLE_EMOJI_SYSTEM__ #define __ENABLE_EMOTICON_SYSTEM__ #define __ENABLE_FRIENDLIST_FLAG__ #define __ENABLE_NEW_OFFLINESHOP__ #define __ENABLE_NEW_SHOP_IN_CITIES__ #define __ENABLE_LARGE_DYNAMIC_PACKET__ /*** Debugging Offline Shop ***/ #define ENABLE_OFFLINESHOP_DEBUG #if defined(ENABLE_OFFLINESHOP_DEBUG) && defined(_DEBUG) #define OFFSHOP_DEBUG(fmt , ...) Tracenf("%s:%d >> " fmt , __FUNCTION__ , __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define OFFSHOP_DEBUG(...) #endif /*** End of debugging Offline Shop ***/ /*** End of Ikarus work ***/