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Single Player Project - AshamaneCore (Legion)

1 post in this topic

Single Player Project - AshamaneCore (Legion 7.3.2)

Muito resumidamente este é um Projeto para correrem um Servidor WOW em modo Single Player mas obviamente que pode ser alterado para acolher outros jogadores.


Caso queiram contribuir para o projeto ou seguir todos os updates deixo o link do discord:


Link para o GitHub do Projeto:



Included in this repack:
- The server core is based on AshamaneCore.
- Client 7.3.2 (25549) supported
- Easy to use launcher
- Update system
- Patched files for the game
- Easy to use, just install and play


So, what is AshamaneCore?
It is fully based on TrinityCore, with upgrades like :

- Class Hall Basics (WIP)
- World Quests
- Personal Spawns (visible by summoner only)
- Legion scripts (WIP)
- Wod Scripts (full blizzlike Jungle of Tanaan intro)
- Pandaria Scripts (all dungeons & world bosses)
- All Cataclysm zones spawns
- All Mist of Pandaria zones spawns
- All Draenor zones spawns
- All Legion zones spawns (including Class Halls)


Patches included:
- Announce login
- Boss Kill Announcer
- Double XP Weekend
- Firework on level 110
- Solocraft
- Starting Guilds
- Starting items (LoginBoA)
- Custom Respawn Speed
- Attack speed patch
- SpeedGame NoCastTime NoCooldown HurtInRealTime patches3
- Gain honor for elite mobs and guards
- TimeIsMoneyFriend
- Dungeon checkpoints
- XP for PvP
- Custom Duel reset
- Random Enchants on looted and crafted weapons and armors
- Pandaren starting area skipper


What is Solocraft?
Solocraft is a script to increase players and bots stats in raids, based on group size.


How to create account?
Na world server console escrever: bnet create name@name password
Criar uma conta: account create name password
Ligar a  bnet account à game account: bnet link name@name gamename


How to create GM account?
Criar primeiro uma conta: account create name password
Definir um nível para o GM: account set gmlevel name 3 1
Conectar a bnet account à game account: bnet link name@name gamename


Onde posso ter acesso à Source?


How to use it:
1. Download the latest World of Warcraft 7.3.2 from blizzard site.
2. Download this repack and install it directly into your World of Warcraft directory.
(Don't worry, you can play on official or other servers)
3. Start it with SPP-Launcher.exe
4. Start the servers from Server menu and start the game from this launcher


Some default accounts added:
admin@admin admin - this is the admin account
offline@offline offline
single@single single







Créditos: Ashamane

Edited by Paradox (see edit history)

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