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Realm Royale

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Dos criadores de SMITE e Paladins, Hi-Rez trás-nos o seu título battle royal!



Originalmente criado na sandbox de Paladins do qual esteve em testes para todos os jogadores durante um mês.

Nasceu de um simples modo de jogo designado por battlegrounds que acabou por ter uma enorme aderência.

Chega-nos a 5 de Junho de 2018, o jogo oficial através da Steam em Early Acess (fase Alpha) totalmente gratuito!














Razões para jogares:

  • É um Battle Royal novo, baseado na plataforma Paladins, e totalmente gratuito.
  • Desenvolvido por uma das melhores equipas e com constante relação à comunidade. (Reddit)
  • O jogo requer perícia e a idade média dos jogadores não desaponta.
  • Neste momento só pesa 4.78Gb e está super optimizado, qualquer máquina é capaz de correr o jogo com FPS decentes.
  • Loot, Craft and Win!
  • Não sejas uma galinha...



Futuros Updates


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Tenho instalado mas ainda não joguei , já vi umas streams mas como não toquei no jogo não posso dar o meu feedback mas parece ser engraçado se for com amigos 

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6 horas atrás, Really disse:

Tenho instalado mas ainda não joguei , já vi umas streams mas como não toquei no jogo não posso dar o meu feedback mas parece ser engraçado se for com amigos 

Junta-te a nós no TS da cyber em


Joker e Frufru são membros da CG.

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Eu custumo estár em ts com uns amigos meus , é uma questão de os convencer a vir exprimentar o jogo xd. Mas bons jogos de qualquer das formas.

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Fortnite 2.0?

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13 horas atrás, ❝Fяσтαz❞ disse:

Fortnite 2.0?

A única semelhança com o fortnite é mesmo o facto de ser um battle royal.

O Realm Royal é baseado no Paladins, está muito mais virado para Team Fortress 2 modo BR e acrescenta o crafting.


RR foi lançado sem qualquer publicidade e está-se a tornar num dos títulos mais falados da actualidade. O Reddit está carregado de reclamações por não haver ainda um Battle Pass "Devs don't allow us to pay them! Let me spend money on skins!"



Aqui está a lista de updates actualizada na Stream de Ontem:



Immediate Upcoming Balancing Changes

Nerf coming to Hunter's Bow hitboxes

Nerf coming to Warrior's Axe hitboxes

Nerf coming to Assassin's Sniper

Buff coming to Mage's Staff

Buff coming to Engineer's Jump (also planning to add Jetpack for Engineer in long-term future)

Can heal in fog


Next Patch Features

Potions can be picked up by running over them

Potions can be dropped

Possibly weapon switch button?

You will be able to rebind inventory key

More ability descriptions

ADS sensitivity will be fixed


Skins & Cosmetics

Skins & Cosmetics coming towards end of month

Raptor skin confirmed in Battle Pass

Duck skin possible in future

Emotes and dances are coming soon


Competitive Play

Grandmaster (GM) rank will release in few weeks

Leaderboards will ideally be coming soon

Tournaments and competition is coming

Rank is for a 2 month season and they have some "other interesting parts to rank that you will see soon"



Console will be coming in a few months hopefully (they have a full group working full-time on console)

Aiming to have crossplay

Primary focus right now is on "bugs, balance and quality of life features"

Generally against automatic weapons being in the game

HiRez will update community frequently on upcoming changes and be interactive (checking Reddit and various forms of media for feedback)

"Working fast on the game, added 50 people today"


Updates in Longer-term Future

New abilities

New weapons (including 3 class weapons for each class)

New classes (not too often and they don't want to have too many of them)


Organized by CrownRoyalRR

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Patch Note:



WeaponsHitboxes for certain weapons were too large and were reduced. All weapons use the same hitbox now. These include:

Longbow, Heirloom Rifle, Plasma Launcher, Poison Pistol, Revolver, Stone Spear, Throwing Axe.


Damage increased from 300/375/450/525 to 350/440/530/610.


Damage reduced from 1000 to 900.

Heirloom Rifle:

Damage reduced from 400/500/600/700 to 350/440/530/610.

Clip size reduced from 8 to 6.

Refire time increased from 0.8 to 0.9.

Decreased the audio volume of firing at long distances.

Poison Pistol

Increase projectile Speed increased from 500 to 600.

Total damage per burst increased from 336/408/504/600 to 360/480/600/720.


Renamed to Slug Rifle.


Damage increased from 500/600/700/800 to 600/750/900/1050.

Clip size increased from 4 to 5.

Sniper Rifle

Damage reduced from 1200 to 1100.

Audio improvements to the projectile and bullet impact.

Stone Spear

Damage per shot increased from 275 to 300.

Projectile Speed increased from 450 to 600.


Damage reduced from 550/700/850/1000 to 500/630/750/880.

AbilitiesHealing Totem

Persist time changed from 4/6/8/10s to 6s at all ranks.

Healing changed from 20 health per tick at all ranks to 10/20/30/40.

Tick rate remains unchanged at 4 ticks per second.

Shielding Potion

Cooldown changed from 18/16/14/12s to 19/16/13/10s.

Shield health changed from 500 health at all ranks to 350/400/450/500.

Flask of Healing

Cooldown changed from 12s at all ranks to 16/14/12/10s.

Net Shot

Slow changed from 60% at all ranks to 20/40/60/80%.


Cooldown changed from 6s at all ranks to 10/8/6/4s.


Players can now soar through windows.


Now grants 150% increased air control for 3s after activating Thrust.

Dodge Roll

Decreased the audio volume levels.


Armor gain for all items has been changed from 50/100/200/300 to 100/160/220/300.


When starting a new match, players will spawn as their last used class from a previous match.

Made improvements for picking up items in the world.

Players can now heal in fog.

Eliminated chickens now drop a Chicken Trophy, which can be collected to forge legendary weapons. Chicken Trophies replace the nugget/chicken leg mechanic that was previously awarded automatically to the killer.

Health and armor potions will now automatically get picked up by players who run near them, unless the potions have been deliberately dropped by a player.

Base fog damage increased from 1% max health to 1.5% max health per tick.

Players can now apply some mid-air braking while skydiving.

Added the following keybindings in the settings:

Inventory screen

Free cam

Swap weapons

Reworked landing animations to be smoother.

Chicken skins will now only apply to the owner of the skin rather to the owner and victims of the owner.

When legendary armor is equipped, players now see a corresponding golden glow on their character’s body.

Improved the visual presentation of switching classes.

Weapons and abilities can no longer be used while playing a hard land or a skydive land.

Teammates’ colors are now consistent for all team members. For instance, if a player is assigned green, they will appear green and have a green waypoint marker for everyone else on their team.

The fog progression bar on the HUD now has a numbered timer representing the time until the fog is complete.

The inventory screen has been updated, allowing players to drop health and armor potions, along with detailed information for weapons, abilities, and armor.

Various HUD and icon improvements and updates.

Audio Changes

Decreased the distance that players can hear zeppelins.

Decreased the fog horn volume.

Fixed an issue where pickup sounds could play as players cycled to new players in spectator, becoming eliminated, turning into a chicken, or changing classes.

Added more ambient environmental sounds.

Increased the distance that players could hear the edge of the fog.

Made various improvements to weapon and ability volume levels.

Adjusted the volume of the forging audio effects.

Made various improvements to UI and HUD sounds.

Classes now have more unique movement sounds.

Increased the range that players can hear other players landing from a skydive.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the scope sensitivity setting was not properly working.

Fixed an issue where improved movement abilities wouldn't display green upgrade tips.

Fixed an issue where a late joining player could damage other players while they were deploying.

Fixed some T-Pose animation glitches.

Fixed an issue in which the wrong special effects were playing when going into stealth.

Fixed bug where becoming a chicken did not interrupt Long Bow draw.

Fixed an issue where the class name could be incorrect in chat.

Fixed an issue where a sword icon was shown in the dagger inventory slot when spectating another player.

Fixed an issue where the ammo count wouldn’t display correctly when spectating another player.

Fixed an issue where other players would sometimes look like they were playing a falling animation when they were standing still.

Fixed an issue where longbow animations would not play correctly for other players.

Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not be able to spectate other players.

Fixed an issue where rapidly using a weapon’s scope could prevent players from slowing down while aiming.




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Fiz 2 joguinhos e até achei engraçado e interessante , apesar de ainda estar em desenvolvimento até agora penso que está fixe , o sistema de ranks nao entendi muito , apareceu que estava a bronze V quando acabei o jogo apareceu Unranked.

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7 minutos atrás, Really disse:

Fiz 2 joguinhos e até achei engraçado e interessante , apesar de ainda estar em desenvolvimento até agora penso que está fixe , o sistema de ranks nao entendi muito , apareceu que estava a bronze V quando acabei o jogo apareceu Unranked.

Eles estão agora a fazer o patch do public test.

Todas as novidades serão efectuadas primeiro no public test e só depois passa para o cliente oficial.

O sistema de rank por enquanto aumenta consoante o número de kills e jogos que fazes.

Futuramente devem implementar o sistema de rácio como em qualquer outro sistema de rank neste tipo de jogos. Ou seja, K/D e W/L.

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O que interessa é que continuem a fazer updates , isso é a base de todos os jogos , achei interessante mas continuo a preferir o Fortnite , mas irei sempre ir la fazer uns joguinhos .

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Próximo Patch (Já disponível no Publict Test Server):




  • Turret damage is based on rarity.
  • Fire Bomb no longer inflicts self damage.


  • Wall bug fixed to be available at all rarities.
  • Stone Spear damage reduced.
  • Fireball cooldown increased and projectile size reduced (previous hotfix).


  • Sniper Rifle projectile speed improved.


  • Longbow projectile improved.


General Weapons

All forged class legendary weapons are elemental.

Spirit weapons have been renamed to Lightning and received projectile updates.

New Weapon! Firestorm Rifle

  • Added to the game.
  • Full auto hitscan weapon.

New Weapon! Thundershot Carbine

  • Added to the game.
  • Single shot semi-auto hitscan weapon.

New Weapon! Dragonbite Carbine

  • Added to the game.
  • 3 shot burst hitscan weapon.


  • Improved projectile.


  • Accuracy increased.
  • Reworked damage falloff and damage per pellet.

Venom Pistol

  • Renamed from Poison Pistol.
  • Changed to hitscan.
  • Damage and rate of fire increase, accuracy reduced.


  • Changed to hitscan.


Patch Highlights

North American West servers have been added.

The initial safe zone is now typically more centralized to the overall island.

Fixed an issue where the camera could quickly pop between two extreme positions when colliding with the world. Now the camera smoothly recovers if it collides with the world.

Reworked the legendary drop logic so that they cluster less.

Improved crouching hitbox for better hit detection.

Improved hitbox for players that are mounted for better hit detection.

Reduced weapon bloom when jumping.

Changed kill count system to give team based credit, instead of just last hit on chicken!!!

Ranking is now done per match type (Solo, Duo, Squad).

Players can now swap weapons while mounted.

Updated armory presentation.

Updated store redeem code presentation.

Ruins Manor area has been added in Northport/ North Ice Haven area.

Made various improvements to the terrain, especially around cliff areas.

Moved the Autumn Fields forge to a new location and replaced it with a new building.

Fixed a number of misplaced chests.

Added more chests to buildings that were previously empty.

Improved the lighting in the Forbidden Swamp.

Addressed a number of collision issues in various buildings.

Fixed some glitches where parts of the environment appeared to float.

Improved the visual quality of some buildings.

Added wind to trees.

Improved the town entrance gates.

Improved the visual quality of the sky.



Added new forging sounds to help players know that a forge is active.

Updated footstep audio to vary between surface materials!!!

Improved forge and skydive audio.

Improved audio cues for hitmarkers and damage alerts.

Added sound effects for using health and armor potions.

Added different sound effects for when you deal headshot damage, armor damage, and regular damage.

Added new sound effects for taking damage from Sniper Rifle.


Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where two items of different rarities could be equipped.

Fixed an issue where players could become permanently stealthed.

Fixed bug with inventory keybind not saving.

Fixed bug with player carrying duplicate weapons.

Fixed bug where items on top of one another occluded pickup.

Fixed bug where shard count was displaying incorrect amount of shards.

Fixed various environment collision bugs.

Fixed bug where players could not see cooldowns replicated in spectator.

Fixed some animation glitches.

Fixed bug where Longbow reticle would not go away when mounted.

Fixed bug where players could sometimes get stuck in the aiming state.

Fixed bug where players could sometimes not hear weapon audio at far distances.

Fixed an issue where players could drop multiple Shield Potions.

Fixed an issue where killing players would sometimes drop their daggers as weapons.

Fixed an issue where during spectate, if player had a dagger, its icon would show as a sword.

Fixed an issue where the Revolver headshot sound would play twice.

Fixed an issue with items being stuck in consumable chests.

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Edited by Frufru
Sempre a apertar os calos 😉 (see edit history)

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